Monday, December 5, 2011

December already? LORDY

Needless to say, life has been a little hectic. Work has kept me pretty busy, and now we are all scrambling to get things finished before the end of the year. Some good news to report:

Penny, our cat, is doing great! She has become a big part of our lives. She is also very cuddly:

In October, Jennings and I did our third year with Pink Box Burlesque's Rocky Horror Picture Show Masquerade Ball, and had a blast. We got special "Head Transylvanian" badges because we're so cool. It's been more than a month since the show, and I still find myself getting the songs and callbacks stuck in my head! Also, if you want to learn more about PBB and what they do, go here. They are a fun and talented group!

In November, my sister got engaged. You can read all about it in her fancy blog - which is actually a scrapbooking blog, so you should check it out for that kind of fancy information also. Later in the month we had a fun surprise and got to go to the Iron Bowl, courtesy of our awesome friends the Cosgroves. And although my team did not come out as the victor, it was still a great experience:

So now here we are, and it is December. Who knows what the last few weeks of the year will hold for us!